La destinazione non conta, l'importante è fare il primo passo.


19/11/2016 Podisti da Marte

15 ottobre 2015

Entries open for London Duathlon 2016

We’re so excited to announce that you can now sign up to London Duathlon 2016! Our Duathlon, Duathlon Relay and Half Duathlon challenges are now open.
Sign up fast, you’ll make the most of our exclusive FLASH SALE available for the first 1000 entrants with prices 37% less than last year!
Duathlons are excellent for anyone looking to push themselves in a multi-disciplined ev
ent or wanting to try out something new. The Duathlon challenge, our most popular distance, is designed to push you both on the bike and on the run, and sold out in record time last year.
Following sell-out events in both 2014 and 2015, be sure to sign up while our flash sale lasts and join us on Sunday 18 September 2016 in Richmond Park.
Don't just take our word for it, have a look at our Facebook and Twitter pages to see photos and feedback from the day.

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